There are many factors that contribute to success. However there’s one, vital step to success that’s so simple you may very well be overlooking it! Having an accountability buddy!

Let’s face it success requires action, getting stuff done. One of the most important factors in getting stuff done is accountability. You know, you say you’re going to get something done and then you do it. Cool, right. However, very often saying it to yourself isn’t enough to get it done. You need to actually say it, out loud, to someone else. But here’s the catch, you can’t just say it, you need to commit to it and with a deadline to boot.

I know that there are some people who are quite good at making commitments to themselves and then sticking with them to completion. They’re the ones who go to the gym diligently, no friend they’ve promised to meet, they just show up and get to it. I love those people, but frankly, I’ve never been one of them. Maybe it’s the artist in me, but I’m just too easily distracted. Scheduling out my activities is hugely helpful, but I also need deadlines and accountability. Example, if I need to finish a song, or write an article or finally finish mixing those new tracks and there’s a deadline – bam! It gets done. No deadline? Well…….you see how it could go. Life sneaks in, distractions, well, distract. Having an accountability buddy not only gives you much needed support, but also helps you stick to your commitments and deadlines.

For singers, an accountability buddy can come in the form of a band-mate, coach/teacher, co-writer, friend, partner, etc.  I very often fill the role of accountability buddy for my clients.  One way this can work is to have weekly meetings/calls with your accountability buddy. You tell your buddy what your activities were during the previous week, what you accomplished/didn’t accomplish and what you plan to accomplish in the coming week. The next time you meet, you check in to see what actually got done. Simple right? And I promise you, knowing that you have that meeting or call coming up will help you get your butt into gear!!

Who’s your accountability buddy?